Communication and material requisition system without hardware / sWave wireless network: Sensor Bridge for on-premise installation

With its platform "sWave.NET®", the steute business division Leantec has developed an automated material requisition system which facilitates uninterrupted and remote-controlled material flow monitoring and management in production or assembly halls. Supply bottlenecks are avoided, with a simultaneous guarantee that no surplus stock can accumulate.

The "brain" inside this communication network is the Sensor Bridge. It evaluates the signals coming from wireless sensors in the field and arriving in bundles via Access Points. At the same time, it functions as an interface to the customer IT.

In the past, steute provided users with an industrial PC (IPC) including a pre-installed Sensor Bridge or, in cases requiring very high availability, a clustered version with three IPCs. Now, a "docker only" version without its own hardware is available for installation on the customer IT – as an on-premise solution.

The image for the Sensor Bridge is provided as a .tar archive file. The images for the MQTT broker and the front-end proxy are also available as .tar archive files and can thus be used independently of an internet connection.

The new option of a Sensor Bridge without its own hardware is interesting for companies looking for lean IT with as few edge devices and therefore as little administration effort as possible. They can still use all the functionalities of sWave.NET® – but without having to install and manage an additional hardware component.

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