Press releases

Wireless switchgear for two-component injection moulding

Wireless, not cabled: according to this principle, wireless switches and sensors from steute guarantee safe, reliable and cable-free signal transmission in a wide range of applications. One…

„All inclusive“ User Interfaces für Medizingeräte mit Dokumentation gemäß MDR und FDA

Der steute-Geschäftsbereich Meditec macht den Herstellern von Medizingeräten ein erweitertes Angebot. Die Kunden erhalten nicht nur hochwertige und von Grund auf für die Medizintechnik entwickelte…

White paper on wireless networks for AGV fleets

Manufacturers and users of automated guided vehicle (AGV) systems all face the challenge of deciding which wireless system to select in order to, for example, facilitate communication with pickup…

MDR certification „package“ / Helping you to make your medical devices MDR-compatible

The European Medical Device Regulation (MDR 2017-745) transition period for Class I products ends on 25th May 2021. For manufacturers of medical devices this means: new requirements for technical…

For the wireless connection of position switches and sensors

The steute business unit "Wireless" is continually adding to its range of wireless switchgear and wireless sensors for both its sWave® wireless technology and its nexy wireless network. One of the…

New wireless receiver for control of AGV fleets

steute is launching a new wireless receiver RF Rx SW868-NET-4S-A 48V for its sWave.NET® wireless network, developed with a view to applications involving automated guided vehicles (AGV).The sWave.NET®…

Wireless pull-wire switch with sWave.NET connection

Semi-automated production and assembly lines work to an established principle: if a worker somewhere along the line wants or needs to stop the conveyor belt, he actuates a pull-wire switch in order to…

Human-machine interface for adverse ambient conditions

With the new variants in its Ex BF 80 product series, the steute business unit Extreme is not targeting the mass market of human-machine interface users. There is, namely, an essential difference…

Newcomers to the steute Ex range

The “Extreme” versions of the new steute ZS 92/ZS 92 SR emergency pull wire and belt alignment switches have already been tried and tested in practice. At the SPS, steute will now be showing for the…

Updated product series with new wireless approval

“Wireless Ex” is a technology developed by the steute business unit Extreme which simplifies the assembly and operation of switchgear in explosive environments. Switching devices are no longer…

The interoperable OR becomes a reality / Wireless foot control with SDC interface

One control for several medical devices in the OR: this is the goal pursued by the OR.NET association, and a milestone has now been reached. At the DMEA 2019, OR.NET presented its "Service-oriented…

Fraunhofer IFAM Institute tests switchgear from "Extreme" range

Many of the switchgear series from the steute "Extreme" range are suitable for use in damp, wet or even saltwater environments. Corresponding corrosion tests, for example the saltspray test to DIN EN…